Loadrunner Actions

Loadrunner Actions,Three types of Actions in Loadrunner that is vuser_int,Action,vuser_end actions,Main execution load script will written in Action window and remaining vuser_int,vuser_end actions useful in one time script execution.

Loadrunner Actions

Loadrunner Actions

Loadrunner Actions  or Vuser script files are divided into three sections those are and these Actions are useful in scripting in VUgen as above Screen shot.

1. Vuser_init
2. Actions
3. vuser_end


Below are the task perform by the Vuser_init() action in Loadrunner

1. Vuser_init is the first Action executed in virtual user Generator in case you write any test script.
2. Vuser_init action saves in vuser_init.c extension.
3. Vuser_init test script executes only one time in entire Virtual User Life Cycle.
4. If you want to run for multiple set of data then you have to use Parameterization Testing process.
5. In case using Vuser_init action script then it is useful in one time initiation for Examples : Login to system


1.Action is the main section where you have to perform user actions with the help of recording or manual scripting.
2.Action file also saves in c extension,you can rename Action to your desired script name.
3.You can correlate,perform parameterization testing in Action test scripts with the help of multiple set of data.
4.You can insert Blocks in Actions using Run Time Settings.


Below are the task perform by the Vuser_init() action in Loadrunner,those are

1. Vuser_end file saves in c extension as vuser_end.c
2. Here Vuser will end their actions for example Logout of system.
3. Vuser_end action means end of Vuser life cycle execution.

Please provide your valuable comments on this Post in case you like it and got enough knowledge on Loadrunner Actions.Thank you for reading my Loadrunner Tutorials website.

Existing Stopped From Running in Loadrunner

Existing Stopped From Running in Loadrunner,While working with Loadrunner Controller you will face some of the problems like this type of issues.You will not able to identify why error is displaying while running scripts in Loadrunner Controller with load generators.

Existing stopped from running in loadrunner

Also Read:

Loadrunner REST API testing.
lr_xml_find examples.
Design Goal oriented Scenario- Controller
Loadrunner Actions

Existing Stopped From Running in Loadrunner

You will face this type of issues in Loadrunner Controller because of below activities,those are

1.Using Loadrunner old versions.
2.HP UFT is installed after installing HP Loadrunner.
3.Installing HP Loadrunner after installing HP UFT.
4.Hp Loadrunner and HP UFT versions are not matching like UFT 11.50 and Loadrunner 12.50.
5.Your C drive space is very less.

Solution to Resolve:

I have faced this type of problems while working with Loadrunner Controller for Web-services Scripting ,not able to identify what is the issue actually,while running scripts all the Vusers are not getting stopped and not able to stop the Vusers manually because Stop button is in disable mode.All the Vuser are stopped under Existing Status but still script is executing in case Duration is completed i.e Specified Time is completed ex:10 minutes.

Note : While You are facing this type of issues,immediately you need to check your C drive 
space,if you want to run your script perfectly with out any problems in Controller then your 
C drive should have above 1 GB space.

In this situation when i trying to open Analysis controller giving error message as Not enough space in C with some path,then i understood ,immediately i have deleted some unimportant software's and deleted unimportant files in C drive then My disk space is becomes 2 GB,Then i have restarted the Scenario in Controller,it's a miracle it was working fine with out any error messages,alerts etc.

Thank you for Reading ,please share this post in social media so that many people can read and get solution for "Existing Stopped From Running in Loadrunner".Please provide your valuable comments on this post.

warning The string with parameter delimiters is not a parameter

warning The string with parameter delimiters is not a parameter in loadrunner while executing the virtual user scripts for web-services with parameterization. I have created the script for web services and executed with out parameterization then it was working fine,when i execute the test script with parameter values then in Results summary execution showing error message as "warning: The string 'xxxxxx' with parameter delimiters is not a parameter."

warning The string with parameter delimiters is not a parameter

In order to resolve this type of errors in loadrunner scripts,you have to follow below steps.

1.After creation of your script should execute with out parameterization values like {results_one}.
2.While creating parameterization values syntax should be as expected as "{parameter value}".
3.Modify Loadrunner Run time Settings as per iterations.
4.Verify duplicate parameter name for multiple different values.


When i am facing this problem simply i have recorded the script in another action and created new parameter names with separate csv file ,then miracle it is working or  test execution is working fine.That is the reason we have check our script first then we can go for search.

Also Read:

lr_xml_find examples
Loadrunner Actions
Create a script for REST API
Design Goal Oriented Scenarios
Loadrunner Web Services Scripting