Loadrunner Runtime Settings

Most important settings in VuGen is Loarunner Runtime Settings which is very useful in preparing the scenarios and for vugen scripting execution.While running the script these Runtime settings should be proper in order to execute the script as requirement for examples

Loadrunner Runtime Settings

1.Running the script for Multiple users.
2.Running the script with think time.
3.Running the script with / out proxy set up.
4.Running the script with extended log to see in details response etc.

Runtime Settings has below lists

In General there are 6 components those are

1.Run Logic :

Run Logic configure the number of iterations to repeat the same action by each Vuser.
>Main : This iterations repeats the user actions with the given number of times.Here Iterations are applicable only for action methods where scripting is prepared.
>Block: It defines the Block iterations to repeat each user action with different number of times.Please find the screen shot below.

loadrunner runtime settings


Pacing in Runtime settings is a virtual user waiting time between the iteration executions as below

1.As soon as the previous iteration ends
2.After the previous iteration ends – with a "fixed/random" delay of seconds.
3.At "fixed/random" intervals, every – seconds.Please see below screen shot for clear idea.


In order to check the execution log for response data we will use Log menu and it captures the behavior of the script execution.

Log menu has below sub Options:
Send Messages only when an error occurs.
Load runner will display messages in log only when error occurs in script execution.
Always Send Messages.
Always send messages option has two options those are
A.Standard Log :Standard log display default log for script execution.
B.Extended Log:Extended Log display the script execution as per below selected option those are

1.Parameter Substitution :

Log displays with each parameter substitution ,it is useful when we are doing parameterization testing.It will show each script response,for each parameter substitution like for 50 users it displays all 50 iteration script response in log in details.

2.Data returned by server : It displays only the data which is return by the server to Vusers ,sometime it display server connections also.
3.Advanced trace : It display all the vuser messages and function calls in case we are using any functions in scripts like examples

4.lr_output_message("User Login is successful")

Please see below screenshot.

loadrunner runtime settins

4.Think Time:

Think Time defines as It is a user waiting time between the transaction executions in the script.
For example
1.User login to application and waits some time to display my account screen.
2.Compose emails and verifying the message body with some time before sending.
3.Online Transactions.

Think Time has below options

a.Ignore Think Time
b.Replay Think Time

1.As Recorded
2.Multiply recorded think time by: --
3.Use random percentage of recorder think time:Min: -- %,Max: -- %
4.Limit think time to – seconds. Please see below screenshot.

Most of the time we will choose Replay Think Time As Recorded option in Runtime Settings foe script.

5.Additional attributes:

It is useful in reading value from run-time settings and which is helpful in pass value into script using run time settings.Declare argument name and value here and we can use those values into script and save the value into string using lr_save_string() and lr_get_attrib_string() functions.


In this menu we are having 7 options those are

Error Handling:

1.Continue On Error : as name indicates script will execute in case error occurs while execution.
2.Fail open transactions on lr_error_message : It will fail all open transactions once the function lr_error_message is called by the user in the transactions.
3.Generate snapshot on error:It will generate snapshot of error while script execution at Runtime and display in snapshot menu.Always we has to check/select Generate Snapshot on error to capture error pages at Runtime.

Multi Threading:

1.Run Vuser as a process:
a.It is useful in running each vuser as a complete process.
b.For each Vuser it creates a separate driver program in the load generator.
c.It occupies more system resources in load generator as it created a separate driver program. (For each Vuser mdrv.exe)

2.Run Vuser as a thread

a.For all the Vusers, it creates a single driver program in the load generator.
b.Occupies less system resources as it is using a single driver program for all the Vusers (mdrv.exe)

Automatic Transaction:

1.Defines each action as a transaction (Always disable this)
2.Defines each step as a transaction.


The name indicates setting of Network speed as use maximum Bandwidth , Use bandwidth which is starting from kbps,Use custom bandwidth where user can provide specified band width speed for script execution.


Browser Emulation:In Browser Emulation can do all the browser level enhancements.

1.Simulate Browser Cache
2.Simulate a new user on each iteration :Whenever we not require to reuse the browser cache, Enable Simulate a new user on each iteration and by clearing the existing cache on each iteration.

Browser Properties are

1.Simulate Browser Cache
2.Download non-HTML Resources
3.Simulate a new user on each iteration

9.Internet Protocol

Internet protocol has below options,

Proxy : While execution of some scripts it requires proper proxy setting for example outside of the network applications in corporate offices.For outside network applications, it is mandatory to have proxy settings to access the links.At that time we will go for proxy settings and proxy has below options

1.No Proxy(Direct Connection to the Internet)
2.Obtain the proxy settings from default browser i.e IE,Chrome etc
3.Use Custom Proxy :Here we can provide our custom proxy details like Port Number and Ip address(Host address.)
1.For the LAN (Load Generators and Servers are residing on the same network) based performance testing, it is recommended to use No Proxy.
2.For WAN based OR Internet-based (Load Generators and Servers are residing on different network) Performance Testing, it is recommended to use Obtain the proxy settings from the default browser.


Preferences in LoadRunner provides details about

1.Enable Image and Text Check
2.Generate Web Performance Report Generation which contains Hits per second, Page per second and Response bytes per second.
3.Advanced Download Files Content Check

In Case like this article please provide your valuable comments and suggestions.Thank you for reading.


  1. Nice post and more informative for loadrunner,I am following your site regularly it is very nice to learn here.Thank you for such a great site for learning in real time it is useful in our work.

  2. Very nice blog and it is very useful in my work while working with loadrunner run time settings.Thank you for giving great post.

  3. Thank you very much for your reply
