Extrares in Loadrunner

Extrares in Loadrunner which generates while recording WEB-HTTP/HTML protocol applications i.e web applications. Extrares records all available resources for each and every particular web url for example http://www.wikishown.com. We will see Extrares with examples and how it impact the response time of your web applications.

Extrares in Loadrunner

What is Extrares in Loadrunner,While generating or recording the test scripts in VUGen (Virtual User Generator) records each and every web url and in order to load that particular url it will check what are the extra files are associated with particular web url. As Extrares loads see below recorded code for more information.
"Url=images/bb_h_img2.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img1.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img3.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/loadingAnimation.gif", ENDITEM,
"Url=../favicon.ico", "Referer=", ENDITEM,

EXTRARES recording all available images,java-script,j query, css files before loading the particular URL or pages in Virtual User Generator and while executing the Action first of all it will load all available resources i.e images,css etc files then it move to next step for execution,Here you will face problems for downloading resources because some time VUGen takes more time ,some time takes less times.

What should do in case Timeout for downloading resources

You can take below following below steps in order to overcome the problems,those are

1.Comment the EXTRARES in the script.
2.Increase Step download Timeout(Sec).
3.You can use web_set_timeout() function.

In case EXTRARES are commented while executing the Test script then it is not possible to estimate or calculate average response time for application transactions.It will look like below with comments.As per below script EXTRARES will not load and it will execute the step successfully.
"Url=images/bb_h_img2.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img1.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img3.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/loadingAnimation.gif", ENDITEM,
"Url=../favicon.ico", "Referer=", ENDITEM, */

Step Download Timeout

Step download Timeout is one of the run time setting menu under Internet Protocols,please read Step Download Timeout(Sec) post for more details.Coming to third point you can use web_set_timeout("STEP","") function to increase the timeout before web_url() in order to specify more time for downloading available resources.The script looks like below with web_set_timeout().
"Url=images/bb_h_img2.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img1.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img3.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/loadingAnimation.gif", ENDITEM,
"Url=../favicon.ico", "Referer=", ENDITEM, */

Let's understand the line web_set_timeout("STEP","60") ,here STEP indicates Time–out on each VuGen step ,indicates on which step timeout should apply.
STEP - indicates on which step timeout should apply
60 - Indicates how many seconds.

I hope you got good information on Extrares in Loadrunner,in case you like my post please provide your valuable comments and suggestions.Thank you for reading my website.

Error: -27751: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired

Error: -27751: Step download timeout 120 seconds has expired downloading resource,While working with HTTP/HTML protocols or web applications you will face some problems while executing the test scripts in loadrunner - VUGen component.The following error message gives you when web_set_url(url name) downloading the required resources which could be as follow,those are declare or recorded in EXTRARES as below

Error: -27751: Step download timeout 120 seconds has expired

"Url=images/bb_h_img2.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img1.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/bb_h_img3.jpg", ENDITEM,
"Url=images/loadingAnimation.gif", ENDITEM,
"Url=../favicon.ico", "Referer=", ENDITEM,

In order to execute web_url() successfully Virtual User generator first downloads EXTRARES and it start execute the web_url() function ,in case downloading time completed as per setting then you will error message in reply log as

Error: -27751: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired when downloading resource

Resource downloading default time is 120 seconds,you can change resource downloading settings in Run time settings,please follow below steps to change resource
downloading time settings.

STEP 1 : Open Run Time Settings.
STEP 2 : Go to Internet Protocol - Preferences.

[caption id="attachment_1020" align="aligncenter" width="561"]Error: -27751: Step download timeout (120 seconds) has expired Preferences Options[/caption]

STEP 3 : Click on Options button on preferences window.
STEP 4 : Just scroll down to General - Step Download Timeout (secs) here default time is 120 seconds.You can change it to your desired value.
STEP 5 :Click on OK and again Click on OK button

In case you want to set timeout value in script itself then you can use web_set_timeout() function to increase time limit in script for downloading resources as below


The function which works to wait until given time to CONNECT,RECEIVE OR STEP to complete particular action.

After setting the time increased limit,now try to run your script in VUGen ,you will not face any problems while downloading the resources and test script will run successfully with out any problem.Please provide your valuable comments on this posts, so that i will know that you got solution.


lr_xml_extract example

lr_xml_extract function extract particular value or total XML details from a String,lr_xml_extract example provides complete real time examples to work with different load testing scripts in your real time projects.

Loadrunner Articles: LR_XML_FIND function Examples

What is lr_xml_extract?

lr_xml_extract function extract or retrieve the value from a XML which could be input parameters or it could be XML response/Results.We can say this function extract the XML pieces you can say particular data from a String.In this post i am taking SOAP web-services example to extract value from a XML why because web services are designed in the form of XML form.


lr_xml_extract([<XML input string>] ,[<XML Parameter>] ,[<XML Query>],[LAST]);



1.XML Input String: It is the string indicates from which XML fragments results or input parameters should take or identify.
Example : XML={CreateFlightOrder_101}

2.XML parameters: In this specifications we are going to save the results as per Query i.e XMLFragmentParam=Result,Here i am saving XML query results into Result parameter and displaying those string values with the help of lr_output_message function.

3.XML Query : It is very important to write the query for XML fragment whether this could be for Input parameter or it could be for XML response.You can write XML Query as per your requirement ,most of the time we are writing the query in order to verify the value in XML Response to validate the same.
Example : Query=CreateFlightOrderResult/TotalPrice

4.LAST : lAST it is giving two results one is if Query is satisfied then it will give you the results as PASS from LR_PASS and in case XML Query is not satisfied then it will give you results as FAIL from LR_FAIL.

lr_xml_extract example

Please understand below example ,here i am using Web Services Scripting,in case you want to learn Web Services Scripting please read my article.Let's see the below example.

Create Flight Order Request:

Below are the SOAP Web Services XML Requests and Response.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:hp="HP.SOAQ.SampleApp">
<hp:CustomerName>Rajesh Kuchana</hp:CustomerName>

Create Flight Order Response

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<CreateFlightOrderResponse xmlns="HP.SOAQ.SampleApp">
<CreateFlightOrderResult xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

Now if you want to extract <TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice> then you can write XML Query as below

CreateFlightOrderResult : Starting opening tag under this tag TotalPrice value is displaying
TotalPrice : This is the value we want to extract from XML response.

You can write for other value i.e <OrderNumber>50</OrderNumber>

Then it will print the results as <OrderNumber>50</OrderNumber>

Loadrunner Web-Services Script:

I have recorded this script with the help of WebServices protocols and as per above XML Query path prepared lr_xml_extract function.
"<CustomerName>Rajesh Kuchana</CustomerName>"

//Extract the value using lr_xml_extract function

//Print the Results with the help of lr_output_message() function
lr_output_message(lr_eval_string("Extracted Value is :-{Result}"));


return 0;

Once you run above script VuGen displays all your each and every step details in ReplyLog and XML Response,lr_xml_extract function results as below.


Action.c(4): Notify: Saving Parameter "CreateFlightOrder_101_Response = <CreateFlightOrder><CreateFlightOrderResult><OrderNumber>54</OrderNumber><TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice></CreateFlightOrderResult></CreateFlightOrder>".
Action.c(4): Notify: Saving Parameter "response = <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><s:Body><CreateFlightOrderResponse xmlns="HP.SOAQ.SampleApp"><CreateFlightOrderResult xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><OrderNumber>54</OrderNumber><TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice></CreateFlightOrderResult></CreateFlightOrderResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>".
Action.c(4): Notify: Saving Parameter "Param_OrderNumber = 54".
Action.c(4): Notify: Saving Parameter "Param_TotalPrice = 196".
Action.c(4): Web service call "CreateFlightOrder_101" was successful
Action.c(30): Notify: Parameter Substitution: parameter "CreateFlightOrder_101_Response" = "<CreateFlightOrder><CreateFlightOrderResult><OrderNumber>54</OrderNumber><TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice></CreateFlightOrderResult></CreateFlightOrder>"
Action.c(30): Notify: Saving Parameter "Result = <TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice>".
Action.c(30): "lr_xml_extract" succeeded, 1 match processed
Action.c(32): Notify: Parameter Substitution: parameter "Result" = "<TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice>"
Action.c(32): Extracted Value is :-<TotalPrice>196</TotalPrice>
Action.c(34): Notify: Transaction "01_CreateFlightOrder" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 1.8496 Wasted Time: 0.3214).

[caption id="attachment_995" align="aligncenter" width="569"]Reply Summary Reply Summary[/caption]

What have you Learned?

1.What is lr_xml_extract function
2.lr_xml_extract example
3.How to extract value using lr_xml_extract
4.How to print output message using lr_output_message.

Please provide your valuable comments on this post and as well as provide your suggestions,in case you like my post please share it to different social networking sites.

Loadrunner Functions

Loadrunner Functions will give you brief idea about what are the functions are available in Loadrunner in Virtual User Generator,Let's see functions one by one.

Loadrunner Functions

Virtual User Generator has below following functions.We will see each functions examples in Next posts.

1.Utility Functions
2.AJAX Click and Reference Functions
3.AMF Functions
4.Citrix Vuser Functions
5.COM Vuser Functions
6.Datavase Vuser Functions
7.DNS Functions
8.Flex Functions
9.FTP Vuser Functions
10.IMAP Functions
11.JAVA over HTTP Functions
12.Listing Directory Functions
13.Media Player Functions
14.MS Exchange Functions
15.Dot NET Functions
16.Oracle NCA Functions
17.Remote Desktop Functions
18.SAP Functions
19.WEB Vuser Functions
20.Web Services Functions - You can read Web Services Scripting
21.XML Functions
22.Silver Light Functions

With the help of above functions you can work on different platform applications and in different ways and you can verify performance testing of different platform applications.I hope you got some information about Loadrunner Functions available in Virtual User Generator(VUGEN).Thank you for reading,please share and provide your valuable comments on this topic.

Parameterization in Loadrunner examples

Welcome to parameterization in loadrunner examples ,in my previous post you learned Web Services scripting in Loadrunner,now in this post you will learn how to do parameterization for your test scripts in Virtual User Generator,in order to work with multiple test data to verify how your test scripts works correctly.

Parameterization in Loadrunner examples

Parameterization means Replacing hard coded values in the script with the test data is called Parameterization. Parameterization will helps to reduce script size & Avoid cache effect.Now let's see below example to understand clearly to perform parameterization of test script in loadrunner.

I am using Web Services script to perform parameterization to understand clearly,you can use Web Applications but while working with Web Services you will learn more knowledge.Let's see below example.

Web Service Request

web_service_call( "StepName=CreateFlightOrder_101",
"<CustomerName>Rajesh kumar</CustomerName>"

return 0;

For Above Create Flight Order request we are going to perform parameterization for Below tags/input arguments to complete test scenario for multiple iterations.

Flight Order

2.Customer Name
4.Flight Number

"<CustomerName>Rajesh kumar</CustomerName>"

Why i have taken above input arguments means ,in order to create the Flight order you should require above input parameters to get response and i am taking just three records to do parameterization in loadrunner.


1.Select the value i.e Economy in Class tag.
2.Right Click on Selected Value.
3.Click on Replace with Parameter - Create New Parameter.

[caption id="attachment_893" align="aligncenter" width="727"]Create New Parameter Create New Parameter[/caption]

4.Enter Parameter Name as Class_name.
5.Click on Properties button.

[caption id="attachment_894" align="aligncenter" width="542"]Create Parameter_Properties Create Parameter_Properties[/caption]

6.Parameter Properties window will open.


Now we need to create CSV file for test data please follow below steps to create CSV file.

1.Click on Browse button and go to your script directory path E:\Loadrunner_Tutorials\FlightService.

[caption id="attachment_895" align="aligncenter" width="547"]Parameter Properties_FilePath Parameter Properties_FilePath[/caption]

2.Select Files of Type as All Files and Enter File name as CreateFlightOrder.csv extension.

[caption id="attachment_896" align="aligncenter" width="579"]Create Flight Order CSV file Create Flight Order CSV file[/caption]

3.Click on Open Button,now in Parameter Properties window File path will shows as csv file.
4.Click on Create Table button and Click on OK button.

[caption id="attachment_898" align="aligncenter" width="530"]Create Table Create Table[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_897" align="aligncenter" width="465"]Create Table_Column Names Create Table_Column Names[/caption]

5.Now it will create Given Parameter Name as Column name in table and selected Value as Value in Row.


1.Now it's Time to Select some settings in Parameter Properties window for each columns to pick up Unique test data for each iteration.
2.Select Column name in Select Column tab - By Name as below screenshot and Select Next Row as Unique from drop down lists.

[caption id="attachment_899" align="aligncenter" width="546"]Parameter Properties_SelectColumn Parameter Properties_SelectColumn[/caption]

3.Click on Close button.
4.Click on OK button.
5.Click on No button on HP Virtual User Generator pop up.


1.Now select second value i.e CustomerName tag value i.e Rajesh kumar.
2.Right Click on Selected Value.
3.Click on Replace with Parameter - Create New Parameter.
4.Enter Parameter Name as Cust_Name.
5.Click on Properties button.
6.Now Select CreateFlightOrder.csv file.
7.Click on Add Column,click on OK button.

[caption id="attachment_900" align="aligncenter" width="420"]Add Column Add Column[/caption]

8.Repeat same steps for DepartureDate,FlightNumber and NumberOfTickets,now your Parameter Properties window looks like below.

[caption id="attachment_901" align="aligncenter" width="675"]Parameter List Parameter List[/caption]

9.Click on SAVE button in VUGen window.
10.Now Test Script will looks as below with parameters.

web_service_call( "StepName=CreateFlightOrder_101",

return 0;


1.Now go to Test Script directory path to Edit CSV file E:\Loadrunner_Tutorials\FlightService.
2.Open Your CSV file with Notepad++ or Notepad,you can open/edit csv file data in Parameter tab of Virtual User Generator.
3.Enter your test data in csv file.Now your csv file will display as below.

[caption id="attachment_902" align="aligncenter" width="711"]Edit with Notepad Edit with Notepad[/caption]

4.Save your script in Vugen window.


1.Now it's time to change settings for Run Time settings.
2.Click on Run Time Settings in Solution Explorer.

[caption id="attachment_904" align="aligncenter" width="505"]Run Time Settings Run Time Settings[/caption]

3.In Run Time settings go to Run Login
4.Enter Number of Iterations to run ,as per CSV file 3 because 3 records i have inserted in CSV file.

[caption id="attachment_905" align="aligncenter" width="533"]Run Time Settings-Run Logic Run Time Settings-Run Logic[/caption]

5.Click on OK
6.Go to Log - Select Extended Log-Select All Check Boxes.

[caption id="attachment_906" align="aligncenter" width="609"]Run Time Settings - Log Run Time Settings - Log[/caption]

7.Click on OK button.


Now Save your changes and Click on RUN icon in VUGen window.Your script execute for three time because Number of Iterations is 3 with unique test data.

[caption id="attachment_892" align="aligncenter" width="195"]Run Run[/caption]

Replay Summary

[caption id="attachment_889" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Replay Summary Replay Summary[/caption]

Replay Status

[caption id="attachment_890" align="aligncenter" width="799"]Replay Status Replay Status[/caption]

Test Results

[caption id="attachment_891" align="aligncenter" width="769"]Test Results Test Results[/caption]

I hope you understood the concept of Parameterization in loadrunner with above example,please share my post and provide your valuable comments,suggestions on this post.Thank you for reading.

Web Services Scripting Using Loadrunner

Web services scripting using loadrunner tutorial gives you clear details with real time examples,in my previous post i have given prepare script for REST API in loadrunner please go through once.

What Are Web Services?

Web Services are client and server based applications which communicate on the world wide web's(WWW) and HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.Web Services includes SOAP,REST and JSON implementations,with the help of Web Services applications communicates with another systems/applications or transfer data from one system to another system.

This blog is moved to my new WebSite,Please Read all New POSTS with REAL time examples.

Effort Estimation template for performance testing

Welcome to Loadrunner ,in this Effort Estimation template for performance testing you will learn how to create Load/Performance testing Effort Estimation for different Business scenarios.Actually what is Effort Esstimation in Software Testing,Effort Estimation nothing but testing plan for particular project or component as per available number of Employes and number of testing hours/days required to complete the testing.Let's discuss or learn with real time examples.

Effort Estimation template for performance testing

Performance Testing Effort Estimation template have different points to consider before preparing the estimation for your project or applications or Business process,some of the major factors are

1.Business process Scenario
2.What are the major projects are available right now
3.How much Employe/Resources can afford on this project(In case handling Multiple projects)
4.What are the transaction steps involved

Test Estimation Effort Template

Test Estimate Template contains different fields as below

1.Doc Ref.No
2.Business Process
3.Performance Script
4.Performance Script Details
5.No of Hours(Resource-based)

Doc Reference No

Doc Reference Number refers business process FSD or BRD or Business NFR doc number like 1.2,1.3 etc.So here it could be Doc 1.2

Business Process

Business process means one scenario like Send an email from Gmail application.In this business scenario you can find number of steps to perform to complete one transaction as below

1.Open Gmail
2.Login with valid credentials
3.It will display inbox,
4.Click Compose
5.Enter To address,cc,Subject
6.Enter Mail Body
7.Attachments etc
8.Click on Send

As per above step's you have to identify how much time it will take to create the script in Vugen.

Performance Script Details

Performance Scrip details have different various point as below

1.Vuser Script Recording - To Record scripts in Virtual User Generator for a Business Process.
2.Vuser Script Validation - Validate the script with Conditions , prepare Correlation and add functions.
3.Performance Script Enhancements - Preparing Test data for execution , Runtime Settings,Replacing dynamic values with Correlated values , Saving the values into parameter and Parameterization in the script.
4.Vuser Script Execution - Execution of Business process Script in VUGen to verify the script.
5.Loadrunner Controller Scenario - Preparing real world mimic scenario for prepared Business process Script as below details.
1.Number of virtual users to use.
2.Number of virtual users to initiate with how many seconds.
3.Number of Hours to Run the script.
4.How to stop the VUsers at a time or slowly means 2 or 5 or 6 etc.
6.Scenario Execution - After creating or preparing the scenario in Controller run your scenario by starting the Load Generator in order to verify how many transactions are pass/fail or contains errors while running the scripts.
7.Analysis Reports - Analyze the reports with the help of Analysis component in Loadrunner to check what are the bottlenecks,how many transactions are pass/fail and HTTP status code etc points you can verify in Analysis.

For each and every step should have no of hours in the testing estimation sheet as below screenshot and at last we are calculating the total hours to required to complete the Business process and send it for approval.Once approval received from respective manager then resource will start preparing Scripts for Business scenarios.

You can prepare Effort Estimation as below ,please check screen-shot.

[caption id="attachment_840" align="aligncenter" width="647"]Effort Estimation template for performance testing Effort Estimation template for performance testing[/caption]

What have you learned?

1.What is Business Process
2.What is Test Effort Estimation
3.Factors should be consider
4.Testing Estimation Template details
5.How to prepare Performance Testing Estimation based on Performance Scripts for a Business Process.

Please share this post in case you like and got good knowledge on this topic.